Linux software raid – Atlantic Linux Blog Thoughts on running an Irish Linux business Fri, 22 Aug 2014 15:00:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Debian 5.0 (Lenny) install on Software RAID Mon, 28 Sep 2009 19:00:46 +0000 As mentioned in previous posts, I’m a big fan of Linux Software RAID. Most of the Ubuntu servers I install these days are configured with two disks in a RAID1 configuration. Contrary to recommendations you’ll find elsewhere, I put all partitions on RAID1, not some (that includes swap, /boot and / – in fact I don’t normally create a separate /boot partition, leaving it on the same partition as /). I guess if you’re using RAID1, I think you should get the advantage of it for all of your data, not just the really, really important stuff on a single RAIDed partition.

When installing Ubuntu (certainly recent releases including 8.10 and 9.04) you can configure all of this through the standard installation process – creating your partitions first, flagged for use in RAID and then configuring software RAID and creating a number of software RAID volumes.

I was recently installing a Debian 5.0 server and wanted to go with a similar config to the following,

Physical device Size Software RAID device Filesystem Description
/dev/sda1 6GB /dev/md0 swap Double the system physical memory
/dev/sdb1 6GB
/dev/sda2 10GB /dev/md1 ext3, / You can split this into multiple partitions for /var, /home and so on
/dev/sdb2 10GB
/dev/sda3 40GB /dev/md2 ext3, /data Used for critical application data on this server
/dev/sdb3 40GB

When I followed a standard install of Debian using the above configuration, when it came to installing GRUB, it failed with an error. The error seemed to be related to the use of Software RAID. Searching the web for possible solutions mostly turned up suggestions to create a non-RAIDed /boot partition but since this works on Ubuntu I figured it should also work on Debian (from which Ubuntu is largely derived).

First, a little background to GRUB and Linux Software RAID. It seems that GRUB cannot read Linux software RAID devices (which it needs to do to start the boot process). What it can do, is read standard Linux partitions. Given that Linux software RAID1 places a standard copy of a Linux partition on each RAID device, you can simply configure GRUB against the Linux partition and, at a GRUB level, ignore the software RAID volume. This seems to be how the Ubuntu GRUB installer works. A GRUB configuration stanza like the following should thus work without problems,

title           Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.26-2-amd64
root            (hd0,1)
kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-2-amd64 root=/dev/md1 ro
initrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.26-2-amd64

When I tried a configuration like this on my first install of Debian on the new server, it failed with the aforementioned error. Comparing a similarly configured Ubuntu server with the newly installed Debian server, the only obvious difference I could see is that the partition table on the Ubuntu server uses the old msdos format while the partition table on the Debian server seems to be in GPT format. I can’t find any documentation on when this change was made in Debian (or indeed whether it was something in my configuration that specifically triggered the use of GPT) but it seems like this was the source of the problems for GRUB.

To circumvent the creation of a GPT partition table on both disks, I restarted the Debian installer in Expert mode and installed the optional parted partitioning module when prompted. Before proceeding to the partitioning disks stage of the Debian installation, I moved to a second virtual console (Alt-F2) and started parted against each disk and ran the mklabel command to create a new partition table. When prompted for the partition table type, I input msdos.

I then returned to the Debian installer (Alt-F1) and continued the installation in the normal way – the partitioner picks up that the disks already have an partition table and uses that rather than recreating it.

This time, when it came to the GRUB bootloader installation step, it proceeded without any errors and I completed the installation of a fully RAIDed system.

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